#BREXIT: A time for Positive Leadership
Commentary by Declan Noone
The declared results of the 23rd of June Referendum in the United Kingdom tell us that Britain has voted to leave the European Union after over 4 decades of membership. Following quite a divisive campaign, the implications of this decision both within the United Kingdom and the remaining member States of the European Union continue to be discussed.
There can be no doubt that the BREXIT result has introduced greater levels of: (1) Volatility into communities and businesses; (2) Uncertainty as to what’s next and where to now; (3) Complexity of factors that now need to be considered and re-evaluated, and; (4) Ambiguity on how to move constructively forward. Now is a time where Positive Leadership is required from Leaders in all walks of life.
These circumstances certainly generate challenges. However, they create new opportunities too. Business leaders seeking to navigate successfully through these new circumstances are now in a strong position to create positive work cultures with process, practices and products that will position organisations to take full advantage of those opportunities. A positive work culture, one which enables creativity and higher levels of employee engagement and participation – ultimately this is the backbone upon which an comparative advantage can and should be built.
Positivity is not about being unrealistically positive, it is about the realistic evaluation of negative situations and identifying positive ways to move forward. Positive Leadership is the vehicle through which you as a Leader, your team and your organisation can embrace the new challenges posed by BREXIT and thrive in the new opportunities it affords you.